Fee & Honorarium

In every case handled, REWP Law determines several types of fee/honorarium arrangements, which consist of:

Hourly Rate : REWP Law will charge the client to pay the lawyer/consultant a certain amount of money per hour for every case handling is based on negotiation.

Flat Free : REWP Law will charge clients to pay a certain honorarium, for handling special cases. This type of honorarium will be charged in litigation cases both before courts and arbitration institutions, depending on how far the development of the case in question has been/can be resolved.

Success Fee : this type of fee is based on a percentage of the value of the object in dispute. The fee is only paid if the client wins the case, but otherwise the client is not obliged to pay the fee except for the costs that have been incurred.

The above fees do not include fees (with valid receipt) for the purposes of:

  • Government Affairs

  • Notary Services

  • Transportation and accommodation costs, if handling cases outside Jakarta

  • Other appropriate fees, upon agreement with the client