Civil Law

Civil cases handled by REWP Law include, among other things, the following cases:

Marriage and Family

Laws regarding marriage are regulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 and PP No. 9 of 1975 as well as the Compilation of Islamic Law as contained in Law No. 7 of 1989 and PP No. 27 of 1990 concerning Marriage and divorce procedures for civil servants. The matters regulated therein include:

Marriage including:

  • Marriage permit

  • Cancellation of Marriage Prohibition of Marriage Marriage Agreement

Divorce including:

  • Lawsuit for Divorce and Divorce

  • Divorce Lawsuit

  • Distribution of Gono-gini's assets

Guardianship including:

  • Legal children who are not yet adults

Land Issues

Inheritance or inheritance cases from the heir regarding his assets, both movable and immovable. Heirs and distribution of inheritance can be divided according to customary law, Islamic law or civil law.

Provisions for legal inheritance:

  • Based on a Will (testament)

  • Based on the law as an heir from parents or as an heir appointed by the testator

REWP law provides legal services and services to clients including inheritance lawsuits for inheritance requests or as executors of wills as well as safeguarding the inheritance of heirs who are not yet competent to inherit (not yet adults according to the Civil Code Law under 17 years of age ).

Land Issues

Civil cases involving unlawful acts include, among other things, meeting the following requirements:

  • Violates the Subjective Rights of others

  • The action is detrimental to one of the parties

  • The action is against the law

  • Violating the rules of good morals

  • The action is contrary to the principle of obedience

  • There is an error either due to intention or negligence on the part of the party committing it

  • There is a causal relationship between actions and losses

Non-Performance of Contract (Wanprestasi)

Civil cases involving breach of promise to an agreement that has been agreed upon by the parties which results in losses for one of the parties in maintaining the material or performance of an agreement.

The legal consequences of default include:

  • Requires the debtor to pay compensation suffered by the creditor canceling the agreement

  • In the case of an agreement to provide an object, the risk of negligence regarding the delivery of the object is borne by the Debtor

  • One party is required to fulfill the agreement/cancellation accompanied by payment of compensation

REWP Law providing assistance and legal services for civil problems/disputes experienced by clients, both individuals and legal entities, including:

  • Create and file civil lawsuits for legal disputes that harm clients

  • Facing lawsuits and at the same time making counterclaims (counterclaims) from other parties, both individuals and legal entities

  • Submit appeal, cassation and judicial review for the client's interests

  • Submitting opposition (verzet), intervention or denial of a lawsuit that is not related to the client but is detrimental to the client

  • Accompanying clients as defendants in the District Court, defendants in the High Court or cassation respondents in the Supreme Court

  • Proposing legal action for execution in the interests of the client based on a judge's decision which has permanent legal force (inkracht van gewijsde) or the existence of a document which is equivalent to a decision based on law